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This Archive is not definitive and continues to be a work in progress. Some analogue slides have degenerated and have not been corrected with digitisation.

Throughout this period I have written an intermittent journal as well as articles, reviews, etc.

Series of works mostly on woven or constructed paper grounds. Beginning of a long series working from public statues.

Developing work from public statues, a series of ’Sir Thomas Brock at Home’ based on images drawn from the Victoria Memorial (whose sculptor was Sir Thomas Brock), exploring its representations of empire and gender.

An installation at London’s ICA, juxtaposing images from Sir Thomas Brock’s Victoria Memorial, juxtaposed with contemporaneous and modern racialised images of colonial production from tea and coffee packaging.

Painting from scenes observed as artist in residence at Durham Cathedral; see also the installation in 1986, part of a two person exhibition, The Naked City, at Air Gallery, London, with Peter Doig.

Coming of age in the 1970s, for the first time women had reliable contraception and access to legal abortion. Ambitious women artists could postpone or avoid maternity which would be detrimental to their career. These works explored ambivalence, desire, and precarity.

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